
Leominster & District


The Writing Group is for all. It doesn't matter if you are an experienced writer or have never written before, you will be welcome. You will be able to write at your own level in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. We work to an agreed programme, members contribute to the content.
Each session includes practical and theoretical elements; we look at the ways in which writing interacts with the reader, the ways in which meaning is created and how we can use this understanding to support our work as writers. We will use writing exercises to "stretch our writing muscles" as well as work on longer, individual pieces. Again, it does not matter if you have never encountered writing theory, if you like words you will enjoy learning how they work and, don’t forget, it is for interest, not for an exam. We want to enjoy the sessions and keep the atmosphere light.

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Leominster and District U3A

Writing Group

PROGRAMME January - December2024

N.B. This programme is flexible. The group can decide to change direction or lengthen or shorten any unit.

Term One January-AprilTerm Two May-AugustTerm Three September-December
Theme: Humour.Humour has a distinct tone and purpose but can take many forms. It can comprise a whole piece or merely be an aspect of a piece of writing. Whilst it might not be every writer’s chosen style, analysis and experimentation of how humour works can deepen our understanding of the writer/reader relationship and hence contribute to the development of our individual writing excellence.
a) Key Skills:Analysis of what amuses us.Visual into proseHumour in other genres of formThe phonics of humour
b) We will use material which makes us smile/laugh to identify the techniques of written humour and then experiment with application and development.
c) Visual humour is often immediate and happens in “real time”. The written form can be manipulated.
d) Humour as a counterpoint can be used effectively in writing. We will look briefly at the mechanics of juxtaposition, decontextualization and satire to explore this area.e) As always, the “inner ear” is an important element to consider. The phonics of humour can support the humorous effect. Word play in all its forms are available to the writer and we will ourselves “play with words.

Theme: Playwriting.In playwriting we see the writer going into partnership with actors and directors etc in order to create meaning. Playwriting involves very specific skills. We will focus mainly on playwriting for performance in a live theatre or radio as opposed to film/TV scriptwriting. This unit will enable the writer to hone their skills of character development and the role of dialogue.
a) Key Skills:Theatre conventions and stagecraft: how they affect writingVisual v: spoken. Sense of place and introducing a characterManagement of timeStage directions
b) We will explore the limitations a script places on the writer’s power to create meaning. We will experiment with transforming prose into script form.
c) Performance involves the visual and the visual conveys meaning. Scripts are supported by the visual. We will experiment with ways in which the script can become the source of the visual as opposed to a parallel function.
d) We will compare radio and stage management of time; the practical and script aspects. We will explore signals and cues in respect of time management and how they can control the narrative.
e) To add stage directions or not? Are they a prop or an excuse for a flimsy script?
Theme: The Anthology.We hope to publish our first anthology of our work at the beginning of December. September and October meetings will be given over, principally, to editing, revising and generally managing the production of the anthology.All time not concerned with the anthology will focus on short pieces of writing concerned with the modern dilemmas.

a) Key Skills: Editing: single pieces/whole volume balanceRe-draftingLayout and pagination“Marketing”Precise balanced writing disciplines
b) Modern DilemmaExercises in concise writing in which order, pace and tone will be prominent.
Status:Temporarily inactive
When: on Wednesdays
The 2nd Wednesday morning of the month